Friday, November 25, 2005

Update on Life

Seems like just when one difficult trial ends another begins in life and for everyone's information Carl has just about (seems we've been saying this for years) wrapped up school. Hallelujah! But about a week and three days ago his mother Cindy was diagnosed with a brain tumor and it was taken out two days later.
For everyone who prays, please please pray with faith that she will be healed completely of this disease! We are believing and expecting God to heal her!!!
Anyways on the liter side. Isaac is walking! Just no more than 6-7 steps at a time but he is walking!! YAY! :)
The family got a very nice buck, our bear rug is beautiful and my dad Tom got an real nice elk to boot. What a year for hunting. We were going to head off to Seattle for Thanksgiving but, this all happened with Cindy and we very quickly changed our plans. Here are some pics of Isaac, his buddy Jordan (5 weeks older), Cedar, Karley, AJ, other family too, mostly the kids though and Isaac!
Our church is starting a new "youth church" once a month on a Saturday night and Carl is drumming and I am singing backup. We are really excited about this and if you live in Myrtle Creek and are "young" come on down to SU Christian Center to partay with the Lord!!
Also, coming soon!!!! Heather (me) is opening up her travel agency from home!!! I am very excited about this as well! Still getting prepared and when this stuff with Cindy settles down a little (or we come to grips with it) I hope to have it up and running early next year.
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littlest rockstar

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